Social media marketing for Lacalut, teeth care industry leader

Lacalut — a company that stands for your smile’s health.

The purpose of promoting Lacalut‘s Instagram Page in Ukraine was to rejuvenate the audience to 30-35 years old. We have developed a communication strategy and content in accordance with this task

The main message for the created campaign:

Lacalut makes your teeth healthy and helps to forget about dentists for a long time

SMM strategy

Communication with the audience was built on this idea

We prefer to communicate with clients through simple words

Contact with the audience

Telling them how to save their teeth, how to monitor their health and why it is better to do this with Lacalut.

The main directions for brand's communication with the followers were:

3D models

3D models became the main way to attract attention of the follower scrolling the feed and bring traffic to the main page

Illustrations and Motion design

Illustrations and motion design styled our content for posts, stories, and profile aesthetic


Attention was drawn, so it was time to provide information. Easy, creatively and gently, because that's the way Lacalut looks like to its clients

Local photo and video shooting

Professional videos and aesthetic photos differed from all the graphic and motion design that was the basis of the page and added some real life feeling to it

Special projects
We made a series of videos with experts to answer the most common questions about dental health.

And some cool integrations with influencers were done. The top bloggers and their children showed their daily rituals with Lacalut

The combination of good quality content and targeted advertising led the main flow of traffic to the page

During 4 months of our cooperation:



page coverage






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